Keonjhar boys, Jagatsinghpur girls triumph

Keonjhar boys and Jagatsinghpur girls captured titles in the State Junior Handball Championship, which concluded at Naba Krushna Choudhury Stadium in Jagatsinghpur earlier this week. Jagatsinghpur girls outclashed Keomjhar 16-2 in the final. Earlier in the semifinals, Jagatsinghpur routed Cuttack 25-1, while Keonjhar edged out Jajpur 13-11.

In boys` super league, Keonjhar posted wins over Jagatsinghpur (18-16), Jajpur (16-9) and Ganjam (25-7) to emerge champion. Jajpur finished runners-up, beating Ganjam 22-16 and Jagatsinghpur 19-15. The championship was organised by Jagatsighpur District Athletic Association, under the aegis of Odisha State Handball Association.
